In order to obtain connectivity, many tribes have decided to work together and form consortiums. They pull resources, founding, and knowledge for the greater good of their communities. Here are some great examples:
Self-Governance Communication and Education Tribal Consortium
Yukom-Kuskokwim Delta Tribal Consortium
Jemez-Zia Pueblo Tribal Consortium San Diego Riverside
Middle Rio Grande Pueblo Tribal Consortium
For an article about How Two Tribal Networks in New Mexico Brought Faster Speeds and Lower Prices, click here.
“The Southern California Tribal Digital Village (SCTDV) is administered by the Southern California Tribal Chairmen’s Association (SCTCA), a nonprofit that has served 19 federally-recognized Southern Californian Indian tribes since 1972. The Tribal Digital Village, an early community network, was established in 2001 to bring Internet access to Native American communities.” (Rantanen, M. (2017, December 20) Personal Interview. Project website: For more information, click here.